

2017-03-08 17:46:08 | 来源:网络

学校名称: 美国普林斯顿大学(普林斯顿) Princeton University (Princeton)
学历:专科 本科 研究生 网络课程 
院校地址:Box 430 Princeton, NJ 08542 41-53 


  Applying to Princeton

  1Eligibility for Admission

  To be eligible for admission to the Graduate School applicants must, before they are enrolled, hold a bachelor’s degree or its foreign equivalent from an accredited college or university. (Foreign equivalents may in some cases have a normal program length that is shorter or longer than four years. No degree that has a normal program length shorter than three years will be considered equivalent to a bachelor's degree.)

  You may apply to only one department, program, or combined program per year.

  The Graduate School will not offer admission to an applicant seeking a second Ph.D. in the same or similar field of study.






  The Graduate School at Princeton University encourages interested individuals to explore our fields of study to find the field that best fits your academic and professional goals. More detailed information, including faculty listings, can typically be found on individual department and program websites accessible through our webpage.

  Departments and Programs

  Princeton University has 42 degree-granting departments and programs that admit students. Associated admission and degree requirements for each can be found within the Fields of Study listings. The University also offers a growing number of interdepartmental programs and offerings that allow students to work across disciplinary boundaries while still continuing to receive advanced training and a degree in the home department. Recognized interdepartmental programs are also listed in Fields of Study.

  Joint Degrees

  Princeton's Graduate School itself authorizes and offers four full joint-degree programs: interdisciplinary humanities, social policy, neuroscience, and materials science. Established joint degree programs allow participating students to earn a Ph.D. within a recognized discipline, but with a substantial research component of a related discipline. Students apply to a participating home department, and are usually accepted to a joint degree program after admission and enrollment. Students who successfully pursue a joint degree will receive a Ph.D. from their home department and from the affiliated program. Joint degree programs have their own listing within Fields of Study.

  Princeton also participates in two established joint-degree programs with other institutions. Information about these can be found in the Fields of Study listings for the Woodrow Wilson School (for the M.P.A.-J.D. program), and the Department of Molecular Biology (for the M.D-Ph.D. program). Individual agreements or arrangements outside of these formal programs may also be possible with the support of a student's department and the Graduate School.

  Graduate Certificates

  The Graduate School currently authorizes (but itself does not grant) a number of graduate certificates that recognize students’ acquisition of special expertise through extra language study, required course work, participation in special workshops or colloquia, and (in the case of Ph.D. students) significant content in the general examination and/or the doctoral dissertation. Students are not admitted to the University via certificate programs. Because the Graduate School does not grant certificates, they do not appear on the transcript (but may be listed on a student's c.v. or credentialed in other ways by the granting department or program).











  Graduate admission decisions at Princeton University are made by faculty in your proposed field of study. Although the Graduate School coordinates the admission process and establishes minimum requirements for admission, application deadlines and additional requirements vary by department and degree program.

  We have compiled some helpful tips for you to consider as you prepare to begin your application for admission.

  Before filing your application, please be sure to read carefully the description of the degree program and requirements of the department to which you seek admission. Applicants are also encouraged to review the file upload requirements to ensure successful application submission.

  Review the appropriate deadlines and fees as departments and programs have varied application deadline dates.

  Be sure your statement of academic purpose outlines your goals for graduate study.

  Finalize your resume/curriculum vitae.

  Gather the email addresses and full names of three recommenders prior to submitting your application online. Letters of recommendation must be submitted using our electronic recommendation service.

  Request your transcripts.

  Arrange to have your prerequisite test scores sent to Princeton. All applicants whose native language is NOT English and who have NOT received their undergraduate education in a country where the native language is English MUST submit scores from one of two internationally recognized assessments of English language proficiency, the Test of English as a Foreign Language(link is external) (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System(link is external) (IELTS).




  - 在填写入学申请表之前,请务必仔细阅读学位专业的描述,以及你所申请入学院系的相关入学条件。普林斯顿大学鼓励申请者浏览文件上传要求来保证成功的递交申请。

  - 浏览意向专业的合适申请截止时间以及费用,因为每一个院系或者专业有不一样的申请时间限制。

  - 请务必在你的学术目的声明中说明你的研究生学习目标。

  - 最后确定好你的个人简历/履历表。

  - 在递交你的网上入学申请表之前,收集好你的三位推荐人的电子邮件地址以及全名。推荐信必须使用普林斯顿大学的电子推荐服务递交。

  - 要求相关机构递交你的成绩单。

  - 安排相关的机构递交你的考试成绩给普林斯顿大学。母语不是英语的所有申请者,以及没有在以英语为母语的国家接受本科教育的学生,必须递交一种国际公认的英语语言能力评估考试成绩:英语作为一门外语的考试(托福考试)、国际英语语言考试系统(雅思考试)。


  If you have decided that Princeton University offers the graduate education you are seeking, we hope you will apply.

  Applicants can apply from September through December for admission commencing in the fall term of the following academic year. We do not accept late applications. There is no spring admission, and graduate study at Princeton is offered on a full-time basis. Applicants can apply only to one academic department per year. The application fee is nonrefundable. The Graduate School will not offer admission to an applicant seeking a second Ph.D. in the same or similar field of study.

  Princeton guarantees full tuition, fees, and a stipend for its regularly enrolled, degree-seeking Ph.D. candidates for all years of regular program enrollment, contingent upon satisfactory academic performance. Master's applicants are required to submit the Statement of Financial Resources, as part of the application, and will be considered for any funding that is available.

  Our application process is fully electronic. To apply to Princeton University’s Graduate School you must use our application.






  5View Your Checklist

  View your application checklist and manage your recommenders.

  Application Not Yet Submitted

  As an applicant who has not yet submitted an application, you can return to the application menu(link is external), click on Manage Your Account, and log into your application. Under Unsubmitted Forms select your Princeton University application. From here, you can work on your form and manage your letters of recommendation.

  You will not be able to check the status of materials received until after you submit your application. Nor will the Graduate School confirm the receipt of materials for applicants who have not submitted an application.

  Application Submitted

  As an applicant who has submitted an application, you can return to the application menu(link is external), click on Manage Your Account, and log into your application. Under Submitted Forms select your Princeton University application and then click View Checklist.

  From here you can view the Checklist to see what materials have been received. Test scores that have been received will be listed by test date. GMAT test date will be listed as the first of the month and the year the test was taken (example: 2014-11-01). All other materials will show date received.











“萧顾问留学咨询中心”是以美国留学专家萧素珍总顾问为核心,集合美国、台湾、上海等地业内精英人士组成的一个专业团队,致力于出国留学信息咨询、留学中介服务、国际教育合作、合作办学、夏(冬)令营、出国前语言培训、签证服务等业务。能为申请人提供国外院校全方位的留学信息、全程指导申请以及包括留学规划、申 请、面试、签证等在内的全套解决方案,尊重学生和家长的个性化理念和要求,确保为客户带来专业、优质的出国留学服务。





